Friday, September 18, 2009

shashi Tharoor / cattle class

I went to Railway Station to book my ticket to Chennai and asked a ticket.
The booking clerk asked me ' which class?'
I said 'Cattle class'
He.....' sorry sir, there is no class like that in Indian Railways, you seem to be an educated man'
I said ' no sir, I understand one Minister in Delhi said there is one class like that'
He said, ' Get away from here, giving way to others waiting in the Que'
I cleared away from there.
Is there anyone at the centre to ask the minister to give way to others in the Que.

Note: The problem with Mr.Shashi Tharoor is he is not able to demarcate the writer and the minister's roles; so far he has been an executive and writer although what he was writing does not necessarily be a part of the opinion of United Nations. Now he being a Minister and has been elected by the people of his constituency and now a Minister for the whole of India, his liberty with words used and being used is looked upon by the whole nation , and can not be dismissed since he dons the mantle far far superior than what posts he held as an employee.